2023 Winter Vacation Notice

2023年01月13日 16:26  Traffic:[]

Xian Technological University

2023 Winter Vacation Arrangements

一、 放假时间/Time

Vacation: From 14th January to 24th February, 2023

Registration: 25 February-26 February, 2023

Attend class: From 27 February


Take care of your belongings and keep safe during holidays!



The safety reminders for the winter holidays are as follows, please read carefully and inform each other. Wish you a safe and happy holiday!

1. 全体留学生必须遵守中国法律法规和校纪校规。违反国家法律、法令、法规受到公安、司法部门处罚者,视其情节轻重,给予严重警告直至开除学籍处分;尤其是谨防非法打工、签证过期、酗酒闹事等常见违法违纪行为发生。如有需要请假的同学,必须严格按照国际教育学院请假规定报备,得到获批之后方可请假。

All international students must comply with Chinese laws and regulations in addition to universitys regulations and rules. Violation of national laws and regulations will result in legal penalties from the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Justice, and also punishment (from warning to expulsion from school) given by Xian Technological University. Special attention should be paid to cases such as illegal working with student visa, expired visas, unruly behavior due to alcohol when staying off campus. Students who need to ask for leave must complete the absence procedures in strict accordance with SIE regulations and receiving permission from SIE.

2. 严格注意用电安全,不违规使用电器,如电热毯、电炉子,不私搭电线,注意宿舍电器老化情况,如有发现异常,请第一时间与公寓前台联系。寒假期间,国际教育学院将对宿舍的安全情况进行不定期检查。

Pay attention to the safety of using electricity. Do not use the prohibited or high-volume electrical appliances, such as digital kettle, electric blanket, electric stove, and so on. Do not change the electricity wires or structure without any permission. If ones find unusual situation in wires, please report to the reception desk in the dormitory! SIE will carry out safety check in dormitories irregularly during the winter vocation.

3. 交通与出行安全提醒。遵守交通法规,注意交通安全。不得骑行摩托车。骑自行车、电瓶车时,行驶不超速、不超载、不逆行行驶、不闯红灯。离开西安必须向国际教育学院报备,随身携带有效护照,24小时登记住宿。

Traffic and travel safety. Please abide with all traffic regulations and pay close attention to traffic safety. Driving cars without Chinese driving license is extremely prohibited. When riding e-bicycles or bicycles, do not over speed or overload, and also do not go against traffic or run red lights. Students must inform SIE before leaving Xian, and carry a valid passport with you at all times, and register your accommodation within 24 hours of arrival at your destination.

4. 防盗防骗安全提醒。不要随身携带大量现金,宿舍不留宿外人,外出一定将窗、阳台、门锁好。拒绝任何形式推销,严守个人信息。一定保管好个人的有效证件,不要将个人证件借给他人使用,并随身携带有效证件的复印件,谨防各种形式电信诈骗。

Tips to prevent theft and fraud: Do not carry a lot of cash when going out. Do not let strangers stay in your room. When leaving your room, make sure to lock doors, windows and balconies. Refuse any form of marketing and protect your personal information. Take care of your personal documents, and do not let others use them on your behalf. Always carry a photocopy of your important documentation (e.g. passports). And pay attention to and be aware of any kinds of fraud.

5. 不组织和参与非法集会、游行、签名活动,不在宿舍及公共区域内进行宗教活动。

Do not organize or participate in any illegal assembly, rally, campaign, or protests. And, do not engage in religious activities in the dorm and public areas.

6. 如有紧急情况,请及时与国际教育学院联系;如遇突发事件,请直接拨打各种报警电话。公安:110  火警:119  急救电话:120

Please contact SIE for emergencies. If you need urgent assistance, please call one of the following numbers:

Public Security: 110   Fire: 119    First Aid: 120

7. 请注意各类证件及保险有效期,签证在假期过期的,请尽快联系国际教育学院确认签证延期时间。

Please pay attention to the validity of residence permit\visa and insurance. If your residence permit\visa expires during the winter vacation, please contact SIE to confirm the extension time as soon as possible.

8. 保险服务/Insurance service


If you need outpatient service or hospitalization, please contact insurance company in advance (Tel:4008105119).

9. 如假期需要外出离市,请提前在钉钉上申请

If you need to leave Xian during the winter vacation, please apply through DingTalk remind SIE for approval in advance.

10. 如假期返回中国,提前在钉钉上提交返校申请,便于国际教育学院安排返校后住宿房间,返校后需按要求进行体检及居留许可延期(2023121日至27日为中国春节,体检中心及签证中心等部门休假)。

If you return to China during the holiday, please apply through DingTalk for approval, so that SIE can arrange dorm for you on campus. Once you arrive in China, you are required to have your physical examination and extend your residence permit (January 21 to 27, 2023 is the Chinese Spring Festival, the medical examination center, Visa center and other departments will be off during this period).

11. 所有同学请于每天 22:00 之前填写并提交每日健康报告,若有任何异常情况及时告知国际教育学院。

Please submit your Daily Health Report before 22:00 every day, and inform SIE if there is any problem.


Finally, please make sure your communication (mobile phone, email, WeChat, etc.) unblocked. If you have any questions, please contact SIE in time. At the same time, hope you will cherish the time, arrange your personal study and life reasonably, study hard, and make full use of the holiday to enrich and improve yourself. Hope all students can keep these reminders in mind, and wish you all a safe and pleasant winter vacation.

Last:2023 Qingming Festival Notice
Next:Academic Calendar 2022-2023


School of International Education, XATU Address:No.2 Xuefu Road, Weiyang District, Xi'an, Shaanxi, P.R.C.
Tel:+86-29-86179296 Postal Code:710021